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How to Show a Husband He Is Loved

              How to Show a Husband He Is Loved

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  • What type of impact do expressions of love have on a husband and on the marriage? "Relationships tend to be cyclical in nature. When one spouse feels unloved or unappreciated, he or she is more likely to withdraw causing the other to feel the same. Likewise, when a spouse feels loved and connected, he or she is more likely to reach out and to connect. When your husband feels loved by you, he is more likely to show you his love. Expressions of love improve the overall feeling of intimacy and closeness in a marriage, yet each person experiences and defines love differently. Knowing what makes another person feel loved is an important part of relationships. Thus, it is important to make a conscious effort to understand what makes your husband feel loved, as it may be very different from
  • A Husband need to feel well  as loved ..
  • .. there is a time in your married life when you can feel the . relationship is in a turmoil.. but you find it difficult to track the reason..
  • .. mostly .  we just know our needs.. and rarely think about what  husbands want .. and thus . sometimes wives fail to deliver .. the emotion .. called  LOVE.. . as they  do not tend to respect their husbands .. and ends up giving this false notion that he is no longer  being loved .
  • .."Even the best relationships sometimes have conflicts on day-to-day issues. In the middle of a conflict with a wife, husband is  more likely to be feeling:
    A. That my wife doesn't respect me right now.B. That my wife doesn't love me right now.
    Not surprisingly, 81.5 percent of men chose "A."
  • now.. what to do ? even though you have lot of fire and  passion in your heart but its of no use if not expressed .  properly ? .. here are few tips which can be help full .. might just change the way . you look at things in daily life.. try .. and most important  when you respect and show . your love to then ,, its going to be vice verse . good luck .                                                                                                                                tips to remember                 
  • Make him a  snack to take with him in the morning.
  • Give  him a back rub.
  • Brag about him to your friends when he can hear.
  • Tell him one thing you admire about him in relation to his work.
  • Bring him a drink when he’s working at his desk.
  • Ask him what he’d like for dinner–let him choose the menu at least once a week.
  • TELL YOUR CHILDREN WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT THEIR DAD.  A lot.since your kids  doesn't' know much about their DADS' past with you .. so its very essential part of a married life that you must  tell."the good stuff and .qualities which are not known to your kids.'

  • Praise him in front of the kids.
  • Greet him at the door when he gets home–drop whatever you’re doing and go kiss him!
  • Wear something you know he loves.

  •       Do not dismiss his opinions lightly, especially when you’ve asked for his counsel in the first place..take every effort to follow your husband’s advice.                                                                                       Some ways you can respectfully esteem your husband include words of affirmation, complimenting how he is doing as a husband or father, sharing reasons with him why you love him, encourage him in front of others, cheer him on during tough times, and tell him that you respect him.                                                       i f we do not know what respect is, we cannot possibly express it towards our husbands. On the other hand, if we understand what respect is, we can confidently and intentionally express it towards our husbands.According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary,  
  •  “Respect is defined as an act of giving someone particular attention, consideration, high or special regard. It is the quality or state of being esteemed.” It doesn't take much to make your man happy. Unconditional Love and sincere appreciation are what most men expect in a partner. So let your imagination run............................                                                                                                


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